Monday Blue


posted by munnie

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Finally the fearful Sunday is here because another blue Monday will be along soon. It used to be an oversleep typical Monday and needless to said about the Monday-morning mood, which can be hard to go back to work on monday morning. How I wish there's a good news for my sake that class is canceled so I can continue my beautiful sleep. Come On' wake up! There's no more school life for me, I know I need to grow up but somehow I can't accept the fact that I'm a working adult now even though it's been almost a year I've been started working.

Now, thinking of a turning point. It could be starting off my day with a cup of coffee and a plate of delicious American breakfast. Brightens up my Monday morning with a beam of wide smile on face. After all, it could be a turning point of monday blues I supposed.



posted by munnie

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I didn't mean to frighten you with the word of 'death' after been missing in blogosphere for sometimes.

Somehow,  'Death' is one of the reasons being discussed only when it happens. Death by its very nature is natural but often it is hurting a reality to accept. My grandfather had left us last Friday. He is no longer suffering, we will miss him dearly and forever.

It was a sad gathering at the funeral. There were a lot of tears and I wouldn't wanna mention anymore on how's everyone walked up to the coffin to say their last good byes. Well, I just want to say " Grandpa, may you rest in peace".

Ending are never easy, probably we build them up so much in our head with all the memories that will never fades.

After all, it should be with a happy faces now. The smile faces of everyone of us that grandpa would love to see.

Farewell, grandpa!

Jap barbeque


posted by munnie on

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I thought I'd post a quick update on what I had for dinner last weekend. But I've delayed due to the busy weekdays spent in work and rushing back and forth between workplace and school.

Anyway, the very mention of the word 'barbeque' is already conjure up images of mouth watering food in mind. Isn't it? So, it was a highly recommended place from my colleague and yeah I've finally made my way to this place so called Gerai Makan Japanese BBQ at Taman Desa.

I swear you can't even imagine how was the place looks like unless you've google it before you clash the place with your big tummy.

See.. It just bring you back to the olden days like what you've seen in hong kong drama.

And what else it was just about meat and barbeque...

Let's grill it baby..

This was the mutton hot pot and its soup taste goaty good. Carnivores would think alike. Noom!

Next was the Ramen taste pretty good as well, probably ingested too much of MSG.

I did not take much pictures as I was too busy flipping the meat on the stove. And most of the time i was just enjoying my meal. I wonder how's food blogger can resist when all these delicious food temptation was right infront of their eyes and they were like hey don't touch, i need a great shot first.

Alright, I'll end the post with fire burning shot! And Wishing all of you happy mooncake festival.

 Oh yeah, it is open-air. Be ready to sweat!
Gerai Makan Japanese BBQ
Center Court, Plaza FAber,
Jalan Desa Jaya,
Taman Desa off Jalan Klang Lama,
58100 Kuala Lumpur.

The Return


posted by munnie

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After a hectic couple of months. I've returned.

I've been living out a completely chaotic life previously, which include things like:

  • Leaving my footprints on the Singa Land after 10 years
  • Being too busy with poster presentation
  • Attended 27th Scientific Conference of NSM
  • Celebrating my best buddies birthday in the peculiar way
  • Turning myself into 22 years old :(
  • Battling with my thesis and internship 
  • Rushing up for viva and internship reports

And finally it comes to an end.

Imma moving on to the next stage- Working life. We have no choice but to stay in a cube farm to earn a living. That's how life suppose to be.


Another Fresh New Year


posted by munnie

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So, it comes. Each year at this time, the calender pages fall away and the new cycle continues without fail. And people asked, how has 2011 been treating you? No matter how good or bad it was, it's the end and the new year is all about out with the old and in with the new.

Well, I've no idea what and where should I start with if you ever notice my last seen on blog was august 2011. I've too many thoughts and I hate myself for not blogging frequently now. Something that dig out my soul of blogging which is my current deal with thesis writing. I'm sure I'll be hating articles and writing after this so I just wanna blog something before it's too late.

Anyway, I shall not talk about what happen in the past although I enjoyed a whole lot of time especially during the end of 2011. All I wanted to say is thank you to my friends and family, life's without them are like an empty set. I will not make any silly resolution this year as I'll not keep it. So, just trying to be a better person day by day and yeah.

Alright, noise makers raise your bottles and cheers for the year of 2012!! Happy New Year everyone.(I know i'm lil too late)