So fail!

posted by munnie

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Rawrr rawrrr wa ahh ahhh! I know I'm losing my bloging life lately but today is a special day that I'm using my phone to blog for the very first time. And because I was born in Malaysia, I should have writting some
Manglish for once. By the way, my English ain't good at all, it could be really bad at times when I don't know what's Mr Andrew say to us and the only response was fake smiley on my facey. I want another fail engalish post like my friend Joanne did. This is only for playing purpose. Haha!

So hor, this blog is a limited edition lo. Aiyo, final exam comin jor. How ar? Blay they all want to go sunway next thurs, you think I want to go o not ar? I don't know ler. Think think first la. Aikys, tomorrow want to go to uni very morning cuz have to take the lab result. Yeer, so morning. Summore eye very not good ler now, dunnoe why? Very not good arrrr! So how? Oklar, I cannot cincai say until so long ady la. I think want to sleep ady now. Okay la, guat night!


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone