To the days gone past

posted by munnie

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Seriously, I don’t really remember anything about the days in the past, only that they were hard time. Real hard. I felt as if I have been a zombie, never really knowing what was going on but only busyness got me crazy. Running on practically no sleep, I mean less sleep. Yes, I've never been thru such hecticrazy uni's life before, and yes I know there's more to life than this. The days past sometimes it was like once the choice is made, there's no turning back and sometimes it did make us reminisced about the memories we had.

Anyway, the past semester has broken us into pieces and yet it did brought us back together, hold us tight as we learn to fall, get up and never fall again.

It may seems normal or you're envy about our smart looking with the white tuxedo. I may tell you, once you've put on the labcoat, yes you may camwhore like we did. but sometimes the chemicals are dangerous enough that you'll have to put on a glove or goggles to protect yourself. Someone with low sperm count better stay away from cadmium. Let the 'strong' man do it. HAHA! Well, I love lab session anyway. The only things is LAB REPORTS! We are cracking our head to do every single lab report.

The next thing is food fair. This is craziest thing took the longest time to complete. It may looks simple but it requires lots of hard work behind. Like spent most of the time in the lab, faced failure and made and fail and finally succeed.


Presentation for food chemistry.

I did the poster and my design. I know it doesn't looks professional because I'm not a graphic designer or anything. I'm a mad-science-nerdz okay! Pls say nice. Cause I spent alot of time customizing, fitting all the info, cropping and stuff.

And also,

We had factory tour. Get to see all the robotic processing machine, and yes it's so advance that I have no idea how it works. hahaha! I can barely see through the glasses, and lemme tell you yakult have their machine more than the workers so it's like a irobot world, everything is under machine's control. How cool it is!

And we were lucky to meet the myfm dj on the way back to KL from seremban.

Spot ah beng and ah liang not? Btw, i miss seremban siew bao now.

Green green green, it's your turn.

Waste Management Presentation. And also I did the poster design, say NICE! I'm appreciate lots. The scariest subject among all, omg i'm so scared of the results now=(

Next, it was the torturing moment for finals. Study day and night, I missed my fav tv show, I missed my ber-bonding session, I missed alot of thing during that particular moment.

Anyway, not forgeting about the birthday we celebrated. Mine as well as the friends.

So, there's stress, happiness, craziness throughout the whole semester. One sentence, No pain No Gain. Agree all?

Alright, all I can say now is I'm enjoying every millisecond of 12 days semester break. Have A Good Night Sleep.